Contacts and support

Our care service is available by phone, mail and in a convenient messenger

We usually respond within 20 minutes during business hours. We also try to answer when not working, but a little longer:)

Legal information Progkids Inc. (USA)
541 Jefferson Ave, Ste 100, Redwood City, CA 94063

For cooperation questions, please contact [email protected]

Progkids вопросы ответы

We get asked a lot

How can I monitor my child's progress?
What do you need for classes?
How are the lessons going?
What is the schedule for classes?
Won't the child get bored?
How long does the course last?
Which training package should I choose?
Progkids обратная связь

It's easy to sign up for a free class

Already in the first lesson, we'll dive into the basics of development and create a small project that your child will want to brag about.

Submit a request

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