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Minecraft mod course

Give your child a unique chance to learn the art of making Minecraft mods by exploring the world of programming and creative expression through one of the most popular gaming platforms.

Why Minecraft?

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Cool mentors

Our teachers are carefully selected - they are active IT specialists with 2+ years of teaching experience who know the approach to every child.

Invent and implement

Already in the first lesson, we will create a project and teach you how to apply knowledge in practice.

Don't be afraid of mistakes

We prepare children to present their results, defend their work and not be afraid to make mistakes.

Creating Minecraft mods for kids aged 8 to 14

Minecraft plugins are add-ons that change or add new features to the game without changing its core code.

The course consists of 14 50-minute lessons

Необязательно оплачивать все уроки сразу — можно разделить платеж по курсу на несколько частей.

What does the child learn?

The course will teach students the basics of creating Minecraft mods, allowing them to learn how to develop and integrate unique modifications into the game. Students will learn how to develop mods that can contribute new items, mobs, mechanics, and worlds, thereby expanding gameplay options. They will also learn key aspects of game programming and design that will allow them not only to improve their games but also to personalize them.

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It's easy to sign up for a free class

Already in the first lesson, we'll dive into the basics of development and create a small project that your child will want to brag about.

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