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Website development course

Discover the exciting world of web development and create your first websites

Why website development

Progkids обучениеProgkids обучениеProgkids обучение

Cool mentors

Our teachers are carefully selected - they are active IT specialists with 2+ years of teaching experience who know the approach to every child.

Invent and implement

Already in the first lesson, we will create a project and teach you how to apply knowledge in practice.

Don't be afraid of mistakes

We prepare children to present their results, defend their work and not be afraid to make mistakes.

Website development course for children over 11 years old

This course is designed to teach children the basics of creating web pages and websites

The course consists of 40 lessons, each 50 minutes long

Необязательно оплачивать все уроки сразу — можно разделить платеж по курсу на несколько частей.

What does the child learn?

Your child will learn the basics of working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, learn how to work with graphic layouts in Figma, and learn how to find and fix code errors. All these skills will help him create his own website.

Trial lesson

  1. Course overview, basic web development concepts.
  2. Working with VS Code, HTML basics: studying the development environment, HTML document structure.

Module 1

  1. Basic HTML tags: learning basic HTML elements.
  2. Embedding videos, creating players: working with a tag<video>, creating video players.
  3. <a><ul><ol><li>Embedding links, creating lists: working with tags and,,.
  4. Creating HTML forms: exploring form elements -<form>,<input>,<label>,<button>.
  5. Website structure in HTML: using tags <div>and <span>for structuring content.

Module 2

  1. Creating a header and menu: Developing a site header and navigation menu.
  2. Creating the main part of the site (part 1): Starting work on the main content of the site, developing the structure and layout of the main page.
  3. Creating the main part of the site (part 2): Finalizing content creation for the main page
  4. Creating a footer: Developing a footer.
  5. Filling secondary pages with content (part 1): Filling movie pages, embedding videos and players
  6. Filling secondary pages with content (part 2): Filling out the contact page
  7. Project completion: Creating modal windows and using the parallax effect in web design
  8. Responsive layout: Exploring the principles and techniques of creating websites that adapt to different screen sizes.

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on Otzovik

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It's easy to sign up for a free class

Already in the first lesson, we'll dive into the basics of development and create a small project that your child will want to brag about.

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