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Blogging for kids: what you need to know to start a food blog

The child is a food blogger

Blogging is a popular and useful hobby for kids and teenagers. First, writing posts builds speech skills, the ability to structure information and choose the most important thing. Secondly, blogging helps you discover your own individuality, find something unique about yourself, and also develops the ability to see the unusual in everyday things.

Thirdly, blogging increases self-confidence and helps to gain peer recognition.

If your child wants to become a blogger but hasn't decided on a topic, tell them about popular types of blogs that you'll learn about in our series of articles. Today we're talking about food blogs, or food blogs.

Types of food blogs

Food blogs can be of several types. First, these blogs are run by food critics who go to cafes and restaurants, try food and talk about their experiences.

Secondly, cookery blogs are run by chefs and cookers. They share their recipes, show the cooking process, talk about the intricacies of culinary skills.

Such blogs compete strongly with each other, so many people prefer to go into a narrow niche, specializing in Italian cuisine, desserts or, for example, quick recipes.

The benefits of blogging about food

Well-known food bloggers are invited to restaurants and cafes and are treated to delicious food for free in order to get their enthusiastic feedback later. Sometimes food bloggers are asked to publish a book of unique recipes.

The most unusual food blogs

Edible Flower Blog

It turns out that there are plenty of edible flowers that can brighten up any everyday dish, making it festive!

Edible Insect Blog

As you know, in some countries, worms, beetles and other creeping insects are common food for the population. Someone even came up with a whole blog about such food, which is interesting to read for everyone who has never tried anything like this!

A blog about unusual sweets

Have you ever tried cactus and prickly pear flavored jelly candy? Or bars flavored with aromatic pancakes and maple syrup? And hot pepper candies flavored with Tabasco sauce?

There are bloggers who have set themselves the goal of evaluating the taste of any amazing candy that gets in their way!

A blog about food as an art

It all started when artist Samantha Lee wanted to feed her stubborn little daughter. She was capricious and refused to eat. Then the woman began to “draw” amazing fairy-tale pictures on plates with children's food, which became a real sensation!

Jelly blog

Yes, you're right! Someone came up with a blog that shares photos of mouth-watering works of art made from jelly! The dishes are so beautiful that it's even a shame to eat them.

What a child can write about on a food blog

Children's food recipes

Simple Sweets Recipes

Overview of children's cafes

Recipes to surprise your friends

Recipes for the most delicious breakfasts that mom can make

Simple snack recipes

Best ideas for lunch at school

How to decorate different dishes in a beautiful and creative way

Delicious smoothie recipes

Dessert recipes from around the world

How to make different milkshakes and decorate them

The history of chocolate and other sweets

How to grow healthy microgreens

The child wants to become a blogger but is not sure where to start? Write it down to free blogging trial class at Progkids! We will help you unleash your creativity and believe in yourself!

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