He was born in Aarhus, Denmark, and studied computer science at the university there. At that time, no one knew that this man would develop his own programming language that would be used by IT professionals around the world. This language is called C++, and it can be used to write not only efficient but also elegant programs.
In this article, we share an interview with renowned programmer and book author Bjorn Stroustrup.

Imagine having to start from scratch and redevelop C++. What would you do differently?
Every language is a child of its time. If I had to start over, I would again find a compromise between logical beauty, efficiency, complexity of implementation, and people's tastes. I admit I would opt for a much simpler syntax today.
And most importantly, I would try to give the language a long “maturation” period so that I can make changes as much as possible based on reliable feedback about real use before handing it over to hundreds of thousands of programmers for use.
Do you believe that over time C++ will remain as relevant as it was in the past?
I believe that there has never been and will never be a single language in the world that would be suitable for all types of work. When creating real projects, many tools and languages are always used.
C++ does not claim to be universal; it is one among many. However, as it is a general-purpose language, it can always be supplemented with other special-purpose languages and tools where this provides benefits. The beauty of C++ is that it can be easily “improved” for a specific project with the help of suitable libraries for a specific subject area.

How do you see the future of C++?
In my opinion, he has a more than promising future. It can be used to write great code and is the best language for developing complex systems where performance is important. I don't know of any language that compares to C++ in terms of versatility, efficiency, and elegance.
I don't see any signs that C++ is going to be out of date. As far as I can tell, it's being used more and more often. Naturally, a lot will change in the next 10 years: like all living languages, C++ will develop.
Are you currently working on new languages?
No. To be honest, I'm still learning how to use standard C++. I find programming much more interesting than the technical aspects of programming languages. I believe that you should create a new language only when there is a concept that you can't reasonably express in existing ones. As for C++, it's great for most of what I do.
What do you think about other programming languages like Python, which is considered an easier way to learn object-oriented methods than working with C++?
I like Python, but I'm not sure it uses the same “object-oriented methods” as C++. Naturally, every professional programmer should know several languages and be aware that programming methods in different languages differ significantly.
The materials for the article were taken from the site: https://www.stroustrup.com/devXinterview.html
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