The modern world is changing rapidly. Many professions are becoming a thing of the past, giving way to completely new ones. Specialists in various fields have to constantly improve their existing skills, as well as learn completely different skills. Modern technologies require professionals to always be up to date with the latest trends.
In this regard, many parents have a logical question: what should students focus on in order to make their future easier and build a successful career?
In this article, we will tell you what skills and abilities students will need in a rapidly changing world.
What do they teach at school?
The school curriculum is designed in such a way as to ensure the comprehensive and full development of the child's abilities.
So exact sciences (mathematics, physics, computer science) teach children logical and critical thinking and analyze data.
These skills will be useful in areas such as science, marketing, etc.
Humanitarian items (literature, foreign language, history) develop communication skills, creative thinking, and emotional intelligence. All this can be useful in various fields of activity, such as management, management, creative professions, etc.
Natural sciences (biology, geography) help form a general idea of the world, understand cause-and-effect relationships, work with large amounts of information and “sort” it out into shelves.
What else does a student need
However, there are other important skills that every modern person needs, but, unfortunately, are not provided for by the school curriculum.
These skills include:
Basic programming skills
Even if the child does not plan to choose a profession related to computer technology, he should learn the basics of coding. Firstly, no field of activity today can do without a computer that has taken on many important functions.
Secondly, programming will teach the child logical and systemic thinking, the ability to delegate tasks, and other important skills that will be useful both at work and in life.
Financial literacy
Knowing how to manage your money properly is an extremely important skill that everyone must learn in order to lead a full and prosperous life. The sooner a child starts to learn financial literacy, the better.
Knowledge of human rights
Another important layer of knowledge that is lacking in school education. Knowledge of the legal foundations of the state in which you live
Work in graphic editors
It's great if your child learns how to process images and create graphic works in special editors or websites. This is sure to be useful to him later in life ─ no matter who he works, he will be able to make himself a beautiful portfolio, business cards, advertising brochures, etc.
Self-presentation skills
Another important skill that any modern specialist needs. If a child learns to speak beautifully and clearly about what he can do and what he has already achieved, this is a huge step towards a successful future.
Progkids School is ready to help your child take the first steps towards a prosperous and successful future. Write it down for the first free class on programming right now!