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The funniest smartphone apps

smartphone app

In today's world, we are forced to spend a lot of time at the computer, doing work and studying. But that's not all. Gadgets also entertain us! At the moment, you can install a variety of funny applications on your smartphone that can make you smile and will not let anyone get bored. In this article, we'll talk about some of them.

#1 Light is my mirror, show me when I'm old!

First on our list is an app that lets you modify photos using various filters and effects. So, with this virtual assistant, you can see what you will look like when you are old or if you change your gender. “How is this possible?” — you ask. Using artificial intelligence!

Are you ready to show the world your future face? =)

#2 Repeated pet

Would you like to have some fun? Get yourself a pet... Virtual, of course! A special application in which your pet repeats everything you say in a funny voice will not leave anyone indifferent.

You can play, feed and record videos with a virtual pet.

#3 Translate “meow”

And if you have a real, real cat, then the next app is sure to interest you! Have you ever wanted to speak the same language with your pet? This is now possible! Install a cat language translator on your smartphone, record a voice translator and don't miss your cat's reaction to translate it. This is going to be really funny!

#4 Pah-pah-pah

The following application is a must for all superstitious people who don't want to “jinx it”. Yes, now they won't have to feverishly search for a wooden surface to knock on it. Just open a special application with a tree on your phone and you're done!

By the way, the program allows you to independently choose the type of tree that the user will knock on. So birch, maple or walnut?

#5 Ghostbusters

This application is equipped with a radar that, according to the developers of the masterpiece, helps you find out if there are... ghosts near you! If you can't fall asleep until you're sure a ghost accidentally hides under your bed, this app is for you.

#6 Oh, it hurts!

If you often drop your smartphone and would like to be more careful, this app may help you. As planned by the developers, by installing it, you will “revive” your phone, which will scream in pain every time it falls to the floor. Well, how do you drop it now?!

#7 Change your voice

A fun app that allows you to prank your friends and even get rid of intrusive calls. It allows you to change your voice using special audio effects. There are more than 40 of them in total.

#8 What will our children be like

A magic app for couples and lovers who dream of having a baby. Based on photos of future moms and dads, it generates a photo of a baby whose age you can choose yourself. Of course, the result does not pretend to be 100% accurate, because genetics is unpredictable, but why not try it?

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