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A hyperactive child. What should I do?

Hyperactive child

Hyperactive children are children who are often more active and unable to focus on one activity for a long time. They can be challenging and often require a lot of attention from parents and teachers.

Hyperactivity in a child can be caused by various factors, including disorders in the brain's neurochemical processes, genetic factors, and exposure to stimulants in the environment. As a result, hyperactive children may exhibit uncontrollable behaviors such as anxiety, distraction, disobedience, aggressiveness, etc.

Parents and teachers may find it difficult to raise and educate hyperactive children. They may feel helpless and don't know how to help the child. It is important to remember that hyperactivity is not the child's fault and that the child can develop and function successfully in society with the right support.

Raising a hyperactive child can be a challenge for parents, but there are a few things they can do to help their child.

  1. Plan your day. Having a regular daily routine and following certain routines can help a hyperactive child organize their thoughts and increase their concentration.
  2. Set rules and restrictions. Certain rules and restrictions can help a child understand that his behavior is not acceptable and teach him to control his actions.
  3. Let your child move. Hyperactive children need physical activity to relieve excess energy and tension. Give them a chance to exercise or just run and play outside.
  4. Teach your child relaxation techniques. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help your child calm down and focus on a task.
  5. Seek support. See a specialist, such as a pediatrician or psychologist, for additional support and guidance for raising a hyperactive child.

Finally, remember that hyperactivity isn't a sign of bad behavior and your child can't control their symptoms. Every child is unique and may have different manifestations of hyperactivity.

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