This is not the first job of Denis Golikov, a programming teacher for children. The author is a true specialist and professional in his field. With the help of the book, the child will be able to independently start learning programming based on a specially developed one Scratch programming language.
So this is a real full-fledged textbook that will help you not only instill a love for programming, but also tell your child what development is and what results can be achieved.
The book is designed for self-study of the basics of programming. All pages are colorful illustrations that will make it easier for children to understand how animated apps and games are created in the Scratch language. Moreover, the process is described step by step. The author elaborates on important details that will allow even beginners to understand the platform and work with it.
A feature of the book are screenshots that examine the entire process of creating an application from scratch to a ready-made version. Unlike most modern books on programming for kids, which omit important aspects of development, Denis Golikov pays attention to the slightest nuances.
Why choose Scratch?

Really, why exactly Scratch? Why is this language better than others? Why not start learning in a development environment where adult programmers work? The answer is simple: children need a special approach and it is Scratch that gives them everything they need.
Firstly, everything in this development environment is designed schematically and colorfully. Kids love it and it feels like a game. With Scratch, any programming teacher begins to communicate with a child in their own language.
Second, development environments where adult programmers work are boring. There are no bright colors and nothing attractive to children. Is it possible to explain programming to a child in a regular development environment? Yes, but it won't work. The child is unlikely to learn anything. Rather, he will have a strong reluctance to study. Streams of code that you need to write yourself will quickly tire and dislike your child.
Thirdly, Scratch is an environment where you can develop apps and games. And kids love games very much. Moreover, the entire creation process does not require a single line of code. And what could be more fun and interesting than developing a game in a colorful environment?
What do children learn about after reading a book?
Despite all its colorfulness and seeming carelessness, Denis Golikov's book teaches children really serious things. After reading it, children will understand what cycles and branches, conditional operators, logical expressions, coordinate planes, variables, lists, arrays, and so on are.
In addition, the child will learn how to create their own animated films, games and fairly complex scripts, use various graphic editors, and work with data. That is, behind the colorful picture lies serious work and a huge layer of knowledge that is presented in a form in which any child can understand and accept it.
At the very beginning of the book, the author places special emphasis on getting to know the Scratch language. In other words, children who have never had experience with this development environment can also read the book. In fact, the child is offered a step-by-step simple instruction that will help him get to know and get used to a new tool as soon as possible.
The book has both theoretical and practical value. In addition to the projects themselves, children will complete practical tasks at the end of each chapter in order to consolidate the material. Moreover, completed projects can be posted on the website, the link to which you will find in the preface to the book, and the author will be able to give his recommendations.
Should I buy this book for my child?

Today's kids are literally addicted to gadgets. What was once a novelty for us and even a real revolution in the world of technology is taken for granted for modern children. Tablets, smartphones, laptops, and even desktops. Today it is difficult to imagine a child who did not have the opportunity to get to know these devices better.
If you go outside and look around, many children spend hours “hanging out” on their gadgets, playing games or browsing social networks. Naturally, such a pastime cannot be called useful. And the situation can be changed with the help of Denis Golikov's book “Scratch” for young programmers. After all, this is where the child will be able to learn that it turns out that a laptop can be used not only for playing games or chatting with peers, but also for writing real programs and applications.
Programming is a popular profession and technological progress only increases the demand for specialists in this field. And if you want to help your child choose a future occupation, you can start laying the foundations today. After all, Denis Golikov's book “Scratch for Young Programmers” introduces children to the development world.
And if you are interested in learning more about programming with teachers, we recommend signing up for one of the courses at our ProgKids programming school.