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How can you apply Python knowledge?

Python Programming

We've already told you why Python is great for teaching kids how to code. Its main advantages are a simple code, a low entry threshold, and ample opportunities for further use. In this article, we'll give you five examples of where Python is most used.

1. Web development

Whether you're building a web app, looking to build a small website, or building an entire corporate portal, Python provides the full set of tools you need. The Django library, which combines the main tools of web development, has actually become the gold standard in its field, BeatifulSoup is great at retrieving HTML data, other models provide email, deploying secure protocols, etc.

2. Development of programs and applications

Since Python is a scripting language, it has gained immense popularity in all areas where routine operations need to be automated. Software development is one of them. Here Python is used to automatically prepare new versions of software, test new products, and synchronize code between several development teams. The DevOps methodology, without which it is impossible to imagine the work of modern development teams today, is almost entirely based on Python's capabilities.

3. Science and data science

Statisticians, analysts, and researchers use Python to process huge amounts of data, build predictive models and automate complex mathematical operations. Many specialized libraries have been developed for these tasks, which are specifically addressed to mathematicians, engineers and data scientists.

4. Robotics and artificial intelligence technologies

Neural networks and machine learning systems owe their development to Python. This same language allows smart cameras to see, and chatbots and online consultants to communicate almost like a human being. These technologies also help to catch unknown viruses and block spam emails, predict currency movements on financial exchanges and lay out optimal logistics routes. As artificial intelligence moves from the distant future to the present, Python programming is becoming increasingly important for a wide variety of professionals.

5. All other areas

To be honest, we misled by promising five examples, because in fact, in today's world, there are almost no areas where Python programs are not used. Even if we limit ourselves to a simple list, this list will hardly fit into our article. Astrophysics, financial control, engineering and architecture, image processing, information network management, optimization of data warehouses, video game development — and that's just the beginning!

It is not surprising that a well-known saying says: give a man a fish and you will feed him for one day; teach children Python programming and you will provide them with interesting jobs with the ability to change their field of activity for life:)

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